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Business Support
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Financing is only but one of the key activities that Ithala undertakes in promoting and facilitating development programmes. Research has proven that access to credit alone, though necessary, is not sufficient to achieve sustainable development and poverty alleviation. It is clear that, apart from access to capital, the clients also require, to a greater extent, coherent non-financial support services in the form of mentorship, incubation, training, technical, and general business support.

Business Support Services include activities that support the creation and survival of emerging enterprises. It incorporates a wide range of non-financial pre and post funding interventions.

Pre-Investment support offered is availed to potential entrepreneurs that require skills development and to those that want to progress business ideas into bankable funding applications. The following services are provided;

  • Assisting clients to secure Pre-screening of application
  • Packaging of loan applications to bankable stage.
  • General business advisory
  • Skills Development

Post Investment Support is offered to existing IDFC clients where gaps were identified at loan approval stage and during the term of the loan.

  • Mentorship and Coaching
  • Assist clients in accessing viable and lucrative markets
  • Training in business and financial skills
  • Close monitoring of investments to identify early warning signs of distress
  • Workout and restructuring of ailing businesses


Training Programme